The Strangest Branches


an exploration into converging sets of disparate research

View the Project on GitHub kec21/Interactive-Art-II

Final Project Updates

I did a bunch of research to make sure I was sewing the sequins in properly before getting started.

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The first test went fine, which was using the microconnector to have the Flora board turn on and then blink the on board led.

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I wanted to make sure I could have the Flora opperate idependently without being hooked up to the computer, so I tried to test just uploading a full program to the board. When I tried to do this, I got an error message over and over at the secon step telling me it was trying to connect with my blue tooth speaker.

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Once I was happy with circuit I had figured out and drawn, I decided it was safe to start sewing the sequins into the coat itself. The knots seemed to be holding and then started to come undone as I moved the coat and thread around while trying to manipulate the needle through the material. I did more research and found advice to put a small dab of hot glue or clear nail polish on the connection to the sequin to secure the thread. I am going to do some research on knots to see if I can find a more secure knot, as well as following the advice of dabbing on the clear nail polish as a sealant.

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