The Strangest Branches


an exploration into converging sets of disparate research

View the Project on GitHub kec21/Interactive-Art-II

Starting on the Second Box

I have decided to work on the original idea as I conceived it, and start the second box. I started researching buttons and decided I wanted to go with momentary buttons/switches.


I am going to order the buttons tonight, as well as the bar code reader for the third box that I will be making this summer.

I will be adding an additional entry in the blog to store the Romani phrases I will be using in the second box. My plans are to simplify what I want to do with the code to begin with, in order to ensure the project reaches some kind of completion. If there is time, I will add in additional layers of complexity. The paring down will occur with the symbols, as the outputs of the first box give up to three symbols as an output. Ideally, I would like combinations of 1-3 buttons to be able to trigger a single print out unique to that combo, but I am going to start with 1 button push triggering one printed output. If that works successfully and I have finished some of the sculptural styling of the finished project, I will attempt to add in combinations and map out those pairing and triples. I would like each saying to have an associated QR code, which will link to some kind of online component as well as being an input for the third box.