The Strangest Branches


an exploration into converging sets of disparate research

View the Project on GitHub kec21/Interactive-Art-II

January 31 At Home Kit 3 and 4

The last lab was a lot harder, and I think I figured out a few more of my problems in terms of approach. I think I need to stop trying to understand the labs at a deep, theoretical level and just do them. I keep starting, and then freezing at a point trying to figure out if I even know what’s going on. If I just keep working through the lab, I start understanding what’s going on as I work. I’m starting with reading through the entire lab first, and I’ve done that just now before I sit down to do it later this afternoon.

I’m still playing with tinkercad and doing the exercises which I also think is helping a lot. I had to figure out why something wasn’t working on one of the lessons, and the new ways of approaching something not working are servin me well so far.

At Home Lab 3

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At Home Lab 4

This one was really interesting. The pontentiometer is definately not very high quality. I thought it wasn’t working at all and had to turn it up all the way to get it to work the first time. There might also have been issues with the wires - I replaced a few and that seemed to make it less unstable. The first time I set it up, if I just moved it a little it would stop working. There were a lot of small snags, but I was able to either ask for help or fix it after troubleshooting the setup for a few minutes. I was curious about orientation of the display and whether or not that could be changed, but I asked that in class. I was really just wondering about the limitations of what was possible with setups like this.

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